
Some of my open source projects and communities which I'm involved.

  • buslane

    Simple message (event/command) bus based on Python type hints.

  • dacite

    Dacite simplify creation of data classes (PEP 557) from dictionaries.

  • djet

    Django Extended Tests is a set of helpers for easy testing of Django apps.

  • djoser

    REST implementation of Django authentication system. djoser library provides a set of Django Rest Framework views to handle basic actions such as registration, login, logout, password reset and account activation. It works with custom user model.

  • mimid

    Mocking framework for Python.

  • MutPy

    MutPy is a mutation testing tool for Python 3.3+ source code. MutPy supports standard unittest module, generates YAML/HTML reports and has colorful output. It's apply mutation on AST level. You could boost your mutation testing process with high order mutations (HOM) and code coverage analysis.

  • PyWaw

    PyWawWaw is a community that gathers Python hobbyists from Warsaw and its surroundings. This project is aimed at not only Computer Sciences students or professional developers, but also all of you who have just started the Python experience. Our goals are various – exchange our experiences and ideas, integration of Python people in Warsaw and spreading the fame of Python as a universal programming language. Our meetings are held every second (or third) Monday of a month.

  • Residuum

    Residuum is a line following robot. It's a simple construction based on the Arduino board, an array of eight reflectance sensors and two DC motors.